Week of April 3- April 7

We’ve got some benchmark girl workouts and options this week! Also getting that back squat primed… you MAY be seeing a 20 rep back squat next week 😉


WORKOUT (25 min)

On a 25 min running clock…

10 min AMRAP:
15 medicine-ball clean (20/14)
20 crossover
25/18 cal bike

2 min rest
7 min AMRAP

2 min rest
4 min AMRAP

*pick up where you left off

(Score: Rounds/Reps)


TEST (20 min)

1-rep max bench press

(Score: Weight)

WORKOUT (10 min)

10 min AMRAP:
40 cal bike
30 DB floor press (2x 35/20)
20 single arm DB thruster (1x 35/20)
10 tuck jump

(Score: Rounds/Reps)


WORKOUT (16 min)

3 rounds for time:
20 KB deadlift (1x 70/53)
15 Russian KB swing (70/53)
10 American KB swing (70/53)
5 suitcase carry (70/53)

*16 min cap

(Score: Time)

STRENGTH (8 min)

5 sets of:
1 min on/:30 sec off…
back rack hold

*building each set

(Score: Weight)


ACCESSORY (12 min)

12 min EMOM:
Min 1: 4-8 toe-to-ring
Min 2: 4-8 hip extension
Min 3: 10-20 banded march

WORKOUT (12 min)

12 min AMRAP:
5 shuttle run
5 toe-to-bar
5 shuttle run
10 toe-to-bar
…5/15, 5/20, 5/25, etc.

(Score: Rounds/Reps)


RETEST (20 min)

1-rep max front squat

(Score: Weight)

WORKOUT (9 min)

For time:
150 wall ball (20/14)

*9 min cap

(Score: Time)


STRENGTH (10 min)

10 min EMOM:
1 clean & jerk

*building each rep

(Score: Weight)

WORKOUT (18 min)

18 min AMRAP:
1 clean & jerk (205/140)
30/20 cal row
1 clean & jerk (205/140)
3 rope climb

(Score: Rounds/Reps)



8 min EMOM:
Min 1: prone IYWT drill
Min 2: 12-16 DB see-saw strict press

WORKOUT (14 min)

4 rounds for time:
12 DB squat (2x 35/20)
12 handstand push-up
200m run

*14 min cap

(Score: Time)



Every :30 sec for 16 sets:
Odd: 1-3 muscle ups (bar or ring)
Even: 5-10 Russian KB swing (70/53)

(For Quality: No Score)

WORKOUT (15 min)

15 min AMRAP:
40 box jump over (24”/20”)
30 ring row
20 deadlift (185/125)
10 chest-to-bar pull-up

*RX+ option:
Ring row ➜ pull-up
DL (185/125) ➜ (225/155)
C2B PU ➜ muscle up (bar or ring)

(Score: Rounds/Reps)