
STRENGTH (12 min)

12 min EMOM:
2 high hang power snatch

*aim for about 75% of 1RM across all sets
*bar in hip crease w/ long arms

(Score: Weight)

WORKOUT (15 min)

15 min AMRAP:
10 alt. DB hang clean & jerk (1x 50/35)
20/15 cal bike
30 unbroken double under

(Score: Rounds/Reps)


WORKOUT (16 min)

4 rounds for time:
200m run
20 sit up
20 DB deadlift (2x 50/35)

(Score: Time)


STRENGTH (16 min)

Every 2 min for 8 sets:
2 tempo/pause front squats (15×3)

*aim for 65-75%+ across all sets
*5 sec pause in the bottom, rest as needed at top

(Score: Weight)

WORKOUT (16 min)

16 min EMOM:
Min 1: 20/15 cal row
Min 2: max wall balls (20/14)

(Score: lowest wall ball reps in a minute)